Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jeff Martin @ The Corner Hotel

Band: Jeff Martin

Venue: The Corner Hotel

Date: 14th May 2010

Reviewed By: Espylyn

A full house and an excited audience is at the Corner Hotel tonight. The crowd are on the edge of their heels as Canadian Jeff Martin takes stage with bassist Jay Cortez and tonight their world of live performances takes another bow into the Armada world that is Jeff Martins music. Thankfully we are also given songs from the Tea Party collection which blew Aussies minds in their hey day and again tonight. Jeff's voice is amazing, his spoken voice blows my mind away.

We were given a few Tea Party tunes but as someone who sees most of his shows, I find the songs seem to be sung in the same style between his tours and this gets tedious after a while, with so many back catologue songs to choose from why doesn't he choose some different songs for his Melbourne shows.

Anyway, enough of that, Jeff gave us a tremendous show (apart from the terrible bass faux pas) and sublimed us with his luscious looks and vocals to send us briefly to another planet and realise just how lucky we all are to witness such an event.